Some Health Notes to Get Started

I’ve been seeing some people for various problems I’ve been having. It started with a neck problem I had last year, which lead to cortisone shots directly into my spinal column. The neck issues started coming back, along with problems in my shoulder and hip.

Things had gotten much better, and then I had a chair collapse out from underneath me. This dropped me onto my bad hip after which I continued backwards onto my bad shoulder and (both of these were on the left) and my right wrist, bruising something in my wrist making it stiff, sore, and painful. Good thing I’m left-handed.

Wrist has pretty much recovered. Shoulder is sore and a little weak but has pretty much full range of motion. My hip on the other hand…

My hip is painful, but luckily it only hurts when I sit, stand, or walk. OK, a little bit when I lie down… But that’s it.

To continue along the health lines:

I am diabetic, Type II to be specific, and my blood sugar was running high for a while but is now doing much better.

I have also gained some weight recently, regained really, and I need to lose some now. I have a goal in mind which may not be my final goal, but it feels like a good goal at the moment, and would make a huge difference since to meet it I need to lose almost 4 stone.

I am currently at Goal + 55 pounds. Luckily 55 pounds is not as bad on a 6’5″ frame as it would be on say a 5’8″ frame. (Yes, I am 6’5″)

One last thing for this post:

Last time I mentioned that I was posting this in 2 places for now. They are Blogger and WordPress. If you are going to bookmark something I would suggest bookmarking LloydBerry.Net. Right now this will send you to Blogger, but if I decide on WordPress I will redirect it there. So LloydBerry.Net will always send you to a location containing a current site/blog.

Time to Start Blogging Again

Without realizing it I have been cutting myself off from most of the people in my life. Now that I have realized it I need to do something about it.

Part of doing that is reconnecting to myself. To that end I need to write things down. Hence the return to blogging.

So, as I start, I need to make a couple things clear:

1. This blog is for me, and anyone interested in my thoughts and how I am doing.

2. The apparent topic of this blog will ramble all over the place, until you realize the real point is to get my thoughts down. Meaning the topic is me and anything running through my head.

3. For the moment I am going to duplicate the blog in two locations while I decide between them. Once I decide I will make a “final” post on one platform pointing to the other.

4. A lot of posts will be made from my phone or some random device and will be edited later. Hopefully these edits will be limited to formatting and spelling.

5. I have no idea how often I’ll post but feel free to poke me if you think it has been too long.

Walk in beauty.